Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday to Me!

So my real birthday was on April 5. I'm pretty lucky when it comes to rescue dogs, most don't know when their real birthday. Like Cousin Sami, they just told her her birthday was April 1. No one knows when her real birthday is, or even exactly how old she is. When my first set of parents gave me up, they gave GRIN all my vet records, so Mommy and Daddy know exactly how old I am and know when to celebrate my birthday.

That being said, Mommy was in Kansas on my birthday, visiting her cousin and his family. So Daddy and I celebrated together. Daddy sang to me in the morning. Then at night he bought me a cheeseburger from Wendy's for dinner. It was so yummy! It made me stinky, but that doesn't bother me! Mommy was sad she missed my actual birthday and promised we'd celebrate it when she got back. But then Mommy was sick and then really busy at work, so we didn't celebrate it until last week.

Mommy got cupcakes from a local fancy cupcake bakery. She said she would have said the name of the bakery, and maybe even would have linked to their Web site, but the clerk at the bakery was very rude to her. When she asked if they had doggie cupcakes, he said they did and pointed to a plate of teeny-tiny cupcakes. Mommy asked if they didn't have any bigger ones, and the clerk said "It probably isn't good for your dog to eat anymore than that." Mommy explained it was my birthday and that I was a big boy. The clerk rolled his eyes at her. Mommy said he was a judgemental jerk. Look at this picture, the brown one is the doggie cupcake, the white is the people cupcake. What a rip-off!

Since it was my birthday, and despite what the jerk said, Mommy and Daddy gave me a people cupcake. They let me sit at the table and everything. They put two candles in it and sang Happy Birthday to me. I tried to eat the cupcake while the candles were still lit. Mommy thinks when they were breeding my ancestors to be nice and cute, they might have inadvertently bred out the fear of fire. I had no idea that I could catch on fire! Good thing Mommy and Daddy were there to keep me safe. After they blew the candles out for me, Mommy cut the cupcake up for me and let me eat it standing on the table. It was so yummy! The icing stuck to the roof of my mouth so I got to lick it off for a few minutes after I was done! Then Mommy gave me the doggie cupcake, which was yummy too!

I can't wait for my next birthday!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Sorry, I'm catching up on posting! I never did tell you how fun Easter was. First, Daddy stayed home on Friday and we went to the park. Then on Saturday we went to the park again and met Cousin Sami and Aunt. They brought Uncle's Mom and her dogs, Kirin and Mika. You might remember them from a previous post. Kirin and Mika are fun, they like to run and play, just like Sami and I do. So we ran around the park for a while and got muddy. We were so muddy that after we got to go to the creek for a swim. Aunt says I treat the pond at the creek like a spa. I just go in and lay down and have a nice soak. Mommy encourages me, that way when I get muddy I don't have to get hosed off when we get home.

On Easter Sunday we met Cousin Sami at the park again. The other dogs didn't come because they were too tired from Saturday. They must have played too hard! After we went to the park, we went to Aunt Tori's house. All four of my grandparents were there, along with Aunt, Uncle, Uncle's parents, and Cousin Sami and Kirin and Mika. So there were 10 people and 5 dogs. It was great! I had lots of people to fuss over me and give me treats! Mommy had hoped I'd be tired from the park and would nap, but I was too excited to nap! I stayed up all day long and pestered everyone for pets and treats. The next day I was very tired. Mommy said I had an Easter hangover.

Oh and Mommy brought my ears. I refused to wear them. Aunt Tori and Cousin Sami were tricked into wearing them, and they were not very happy about it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn two years old! Yippee!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Cousin Sami!

Today Cousin Sami turns 4 years old! Cousin Sami is my best doggie friend. Here are the top 5 reasons I love Cousin Sami, in no particular order.

1. She has my back at the dog park. When another dog barks at me, she'll get in the middle of things. She always takes my side.

2. She is a big treat hound. Whenever Mommy gives Cousin Sami a treat, she gives me a treat too. And I like treats.

3. I love to give her kisses and slobber all over her. And she doesn't seem to mind...much.

4. While she isn't nearly as bad as I am, when Cousin Sami does something bad, she really does something bad -- like weird bad. And I think that makes me look well behaved by comparison. (Note from Mommy: "No, it doesn't.")

5. Cousin Sami loves to run around the dog park with me and chase me. It's my favorite thing that I get to do all week.

Hope you have a good birthday Cousin Sami!